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Filter for different brands and types

In a motorcycle there are different filters which, roughly speaking, all have the same function - filtering out extraneous bodies from oils and gases.

First, there is the fuel filter, which is more than a mere safety measure. Without the fuel filter, contaminants can get into the carburetor and thereby inhibit or even stop the processes. These pollutants can get in, for example, when refueling or by rust (in older vehicles). That's why we recommend checking your fuel filter regularly.

On the other hand, there is the air filter, which filters the air sucked in by the engine. This prevents pollutants from entering the combustion chamber, otherwise it causes more wear inside the engine. We recommend changing your air filter every 10,000 to 20,000 kilometers, depending on the model.

There is also the oil filter, which sits behind the oil pump. This ensures that no dirt particles are left in the oil when it enters the circuit.

We have the right thing for you in our wide selection of different filters. We offer not only spare parts of high-quality brands such as Mahle, but also identical, cheaper alternatives, which correspond to the shape and quality of the original parts.
